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配信名:【Persona 5 Royal】Joker looks so dang Chuuni
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	44	760.45		100,665円
HK$	HKD	5	700.00		11,885円
  ₩	KRW	4	80000.00	8,266円
 R$	BRL	3	200.00		5,090円
SGD	SGD	3	44.98		4,407円
  ¥	JPY	3	4000.00		4,000円
MYR	MYR	3	120.00		3,580円
  ₱	PHP	5	1125.00		2,710円
MX$	MXN	2	299.00		2,013円
NT$	TWD	2	450.00		1,941円
CA$	CAD	2	10.00		972円
 A$	AUD	1	10.00		889円
THB	THB	2	80.00		306円
  ₫	VND	1	20000.00	112円
----	----	----	----		146,834円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
₩10,000 Anthi7💎
HiRyS... Oh I've seen a beam or something... I can't remember anything... Btw you looks so different today. You look brighter, cuter, and more angelic!
$9.99 Nem Thanks for the fun Persona stream! Hope you’re feeling much better today! PS4 is free LETS GOOOO!!! Can’t wait for the sweater review and the karaoke! Merry Christmas!
$20.00 Wrixne Lenti
Oh oh. Since you've heard the song, if you haven't seen it. Consider "You'll never see it coming" meme compilations if you're looking for some laughs.
$50.00 Mavjin8 Lots of progress today, and yet barely even scratched the surface of fusing to make the perfect Persona. And then there's the time management of trying to 100% every confidant too. Though I have to say please get something to drink when you need it.
SGD 10.00 Yi Xuan Tan You sound much better today compared to yesterday. Great to see the speedy recovery, and as usual all the best to your voice and general health!
$10.00 Mavjin8
Speaking of going to school and forging bonds, did you know there's social links in Pokemon? Just go back to the Academy and check which classrooms have a ! mark, more are added as you take classes.
$20.00 GrumbleDogg[Cardinal of Chaos]
How much does Santa pay for parking? Nothing. Santa's parking is always on the house! Anyways, the anniversary merch finally came in! If I actually finish this ugg sweater on time , I'll try to include it in the photo.
$10.00 Klutz Luis
Could’ve sworn I sent the answer in a past super chat but here it is: it is Eileen. I-lean, man Santa is pretty cruelirysPien. You looked very cute with mask today btw irysHeart2irysHeart2irysHeart2
$4.99 Dugie555 For those that couldn’t make it to the stream, including me as well, more or less; VOD ルームへようこそ。
redd (Welcome to IRySoCool!)
HK$50.00 オーバーRayster💎 (no need speak out~)Fortunately, I didn't get any side effects after vaccination, except for my arm still painful. This must be cuz of your blessing yesterday! Thanks, my goddess of hope and luck! <3
₱125.00 StrikeNoir105E Contribution to Mini-fridge fund
$10.00 Supple💎 Mini Fridge Donation, so you can match DadRyS
MystriaYamato irysSocoolyour so cool irys I will have to catch the vod later tommarow I hope you have had recovering irys! irysHeart
Regimania Bonk emote hype!
CA$5.00 k a l e n 💎 Meow