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配信名:【FUWAWA'S BIRTHDAY 2024】my fluffy BIG DAY 🐾💙 #FWMCbday24
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	207	9046.41		1,342,261円
  ¥	JPY	104	272874.00	272,874円
  €	EUR	26	985.99		158,098円
  £	GBP	10	571.97		107,203円
CA$	CAD	19	758.99		83,577円
 A$	AUD	14	744.00		71,998円
MX$	MXN	11	2990.00		25,896円
 R$	BRL	14	865.00		25,829円
IDR	IDR	5	2300000.00	21,693円
SEK	SEK	1	1395.00		19,571円
SGD	SGD	6	170.00		18,766円
NT$	TWD	15	3950.00		18,670円
HUF	HUF	5	36400.00	15,170円
  ₱	PHP	6	3549.00		9,376円
MYR	MYR	3	245.00		7,706円
CLP	CLP	1	25000.00	3,913円
PEN	PEN	1	100.00		3,898円
  ₩	KRW	3	35000.00	3,879円
HK$	HKD	2	110.00		2,087円
NOK	NOK	1	100.00		1,407円
GTQ	GTQ	1	70.00		1,329円
  ₪	ILS	1	15.00		609円
PLN	PLN	1	10.00		371円
ARS	ARS	7	1880.00		338円
  ₫	VND	1	50000.00	305円
----	----	----	----		2,216,825円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
SGD 10.00 Tzysocool Happy birthday, Fuwawa. I'm proud of you both for the success
¥800 Omiyaクラブ Happy Birthday Fuwawa!! When I hear your fluffy voice, all my stress is melting away! これからもがんばってください! Bau Bau!
SGD 50.00 Firanoic
Happy Birthday Fuwawa! I love your gentle voice, fluffy voice, taste in anime, silly intrusive thoughts and moments of craziness! These 6 months went by so fast since we were all having fun togetherFUWAawaHere's to more memorable times together!
$20.00 Exploding Penguin Happy birthday to Fuwawa (and Mococo)! I know it's only been 6 months since you and Mococo joined Hololive but I think I speak for the other Ruffians when I say that we can't imagine Hololive without you.
ブンブン フワモコおめでとう!!大好きだよー!
$5.00 MrMinecraft HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUWAWA!!🎂
$50.00 rad shiba Even when nothing else cheers me up, your voice reaches me and I find myself smiling. Even as we change year after year one fact is immutable: I'll be your permanent fan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUWAWA! BTW, what's my favorite sound? It's Fuwawa's laughter!
Ko (Welcome to Doggy!)
¥200 雪音 Yukine FUWAWA誕生日おめでとう!!