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配信名:【FUWAWA'S BIRTHDAY 2024】my fluffy BIG DAY 🐾💙 #FWMCbday24
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	207	9046.41		1,342,261円
  ¥	JPY	104	272874.00	272,874円
  €	EUR	26	985.99		158,098円
  £	GBP	10	571.97		107,203円
CA$	CAD	19	758.99		83,577円
 A$	AUD	14	744.00		71,998円
MX$	MXN	11	2990.00		25,896円
 R$	BRL	14	865.00		25,829円
IDR	IDR	5	2300000.00	21,693円
SEK	SEK	1	1395.00		19,571円
SGD	SGD	6	170.00		18,766円
NT$	TWD	15	3950.00		18,670円
HUF	HUF	5	36400.00	15,170円
  ₱	PHP	6	3549.00		9,376円
MYR	MYR	3	245.00		7,706円
CLP	CLP	1	25000.00	3,913円
PEN	PEN	1	100.00		3,898円
  ₩	KRW	3	35000.00	3,879円
HK$	HKD	2	110.00		2,087円
NOK	NOK	1	100.00		1,407円
GTQ	GTQ	1	70.00		1,329円
  ₪	ILS	1	15.00		609円
PLN	PLN	1	10.00		371円
ARS	ARS	7	1880.00		338円
  ₫	VND	1	50000.00	305円
----	----	----	----		2,216,825円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$5.00 EtchySketchy
I would like to say thank you of always taking care of Mococo and THANK YOU for being in Hololive.
$50.00 EtchySketchy
Hope you’ll never forget this special day. And may you continue to have more unforgettable days like this in the future.
poppedcat (Welcome to Doggy!)
$50.00 Adonais
Silliness aside, I wanted to tell you that, beyond the pleasant voice and cute giggles (which I love), I thank you for being such an inspiration with your passion and hard work, and for going all out to bring so much joy. Happy Birthday, Fuwawa! 大好き!
NT$750.00 全毛俠ぜんもしゃ『唱える常闇』 お誕生日おめでとう!!フワワちゃんと一緒にいる6ヶ月は本当に幸せです!フワワちゃんの優しい声に毎日癒されています!I can't say in more words how much help you have given me!Today you are the happiest and luckiest Demon Dog in the world!Could you check the ticket?フワワちゃん愛してるよ!我愛妳~!BAU BAU~!
¥800 ケオファニス
I like Fuwawa’s “huh!?” so much
¥10,000 厚揚げのササクレ HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUWAWA! You have literally changed my life!!!!フワワちゃんお誕生日おめでとう!!私も数日前の28日誕生日でした推しと誕生日が近くて幸せ〜、SOLO KARAOKE CONCERT選曲が神で色んなフワワちゃんが見れて最高でした!!まだまだ英語の勉強が未熟で集中しないと聞き取れない事もあるけどもっとフワモコの事知りたいから勉強頑張るね!!FWMCMORNINGを午後の紅茶とポンデリング用意して見るのがマイブームだよ毎日を彩ってくれてありがとうフワモコ大好きだよ!!
R$20.00 Ritsu Abyssgard🐾 Fuwawa was really extra cute and extra flully today.
SGD 10.00 Tzysocool Happy birthday, Fuwawa. I'm proud of you both for the success
¥800 Omiyaクラブ Happy Birthday Fuwawa!! When I hear your fluffy voice, all my stress is melting away! これからもがんばってください! Bau Bau!
SGD 50.00 Firanoic
Happy Birthday Fuwawa! I love your gentle voice, fluffy voice, taste in anime, silly intrusive thoughts and moments of craziness! These 6 months went by so fast since we were all having fun togetherFUWAawaHere's to more memorable times together!
$20.00 Exploding Penguin Happy birthday to Fuwawa (and Mococo)! I know it's only been 6 months since you and Mococo joined Hololive but I think I speak for the other Ruffians when I say that we can't imagine Hololive without you.
ブンブン フワモコおめでとう!!大好きだよー!
$5.00 MrMinecraft HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUWAWA!!🎂
$50.00 rad shiba Even when nothing else cheers me up, your voice reaches me and I find myself smiling. Even as we change year after year one fact is immutable: I'll be your permanent fan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUWAWA! BTW, what's my favorite sound? It's Fuwawa's laughter!
Ko (Welcome to Doggy!)
¥200 雪音 Yukine FUWAWA誕生日おめでとう!!