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配信名:【New YABE】BRUNCH is FINALLY BACK (talk+SC!)【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	26	534.00		74,741円
MYR	MYR	4	327.00		9,999円
  €	EUR	5	31.00		4,654円
IDR	IDR	9	284000.00	2,667円
NT$	TWD	5	375.00		1,711円
CLP	CLP	1	5500.00		953円
THB	THB	3	180.00		724円
CZK	CZK	1	100.00		635円
  ₱	PHP	2	192.50		481円
 A$	AUD	1	5.00		463円
CA$	CAD	1	2.20		229円
----	----	----	----		97,257円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
CLP 5,500 Fluicor I was at the dentist during idol showdown so that stream helped ease my pain...Now you betray me with this why reine why sosad
€2.00 Last Braincell
Kids get Toy Story. Merakyats get Toe Story.
€2.00 FartunaZa preheat the oven to 425 to 10mins, to make toepie
$5.00 Sloth of Shadows
The first time you told Toe Story I was taking a break from Hololive. This cyclic repetition of it is surely my divine punishment from Yagoo.
IDR 20,000.00 sᵘmᶦmᵃsmᵃs need VHS version of toe story
$5.00 Javier Rodriguez I had a similar experience to toe story but with my fingernail. Ended up ripping it off, so I feel you pain.itsfineitsfineitsfine
€5.00 NairdaPeanuts Everytime the Toe Story is told, the drawings get more and more explicit. Soon we'll have a full fledge storyboard
NT$75.00 布丁pudding So this is the toe story people were talking about, well... I guess ACCIDENT could happenkaget But thx for all the cute drawings
sabunkompas (Welcome to The Royaltea!)
$5.00 Zero my appendex bursted while i was working and i didnt know until i non stopped threw up and after surgery i was bed ridden for 3 months ;(
$300.00 laggie_couch
Had a great time this stream! Thank you Reine 💙
$5.00 Velvet Nimbus
Reine bad at remembering dates so I can say I went on a date with Reine and she can't deny it cause she might've just forgotten 😎
$10.00 Luis Miguel: CFAA and Nene's Husband my heart is bumping hard for July it's exactly a month away!! I got the tickets!! oh man I can't contain my hype! I seriously cant wait to see you and the other holos on stage! Blow us away!heart
NT$75.00 Fraze
i like how most of other holo members praising each other during the performance and there is holoID who mostly memeing kusa
$5.00 Taro de Culture Thank you Reine for keeping me company, because boredom KILLS me.
CZK 100.00 Marcus Zeman Hello Reine. It's recently been my 3rd year anniversary in the Hololive rabbit hole and I regret nothing. I wish you all the best and hope you and the other girls are having fun.
MYR 6.00 temporary67315 Are you lactose intolerant or food allergies?
Susato Mikotaba Hello Reine I have been member for half a year. 6 months and time flies so fast. I kept watching your vods and it always cheer me up. RoyalTea 4 ever!
$5.00 miscinsanity hey reine, can't remember the last time i sent you a superchat so here's another superchat for the pilekusa
MYR 300.00 zerowable If the Holomems were trapped in a Danganronpa--style death game, wouldn't Reine just be the Ultimate fan-artist? What would be everyone else's ultimates?
$100.00 Sloth of Shadows
Thanks for YABE! This was so much fun. I laughed so much my stomach hurt when you were designing edgy Merakyat fashion lines, and I hope someone makes Dream Tatang a reality. It was everything I ever want from a YABE.
THB 40.00 Rósenya Congratulations you survived March !!!
NT$75.00 Fraze
"I need to go in 5 mins" said Reine 30 minutes earlier kusa
IDR 20,000.00 Kelvin Du titip absen yabe
$2.00 Anton M
be a footsies commentator instead
IDR 35,000.00 Aditya Atmadja Absen dulu soalnya ditagih pas fanmeet kemaren
IDR 20,000.00 king gruk🦚 kalo absen buat ntar malem :_blush:
$2.00 Anton M
When Reine tells the Toe Story it's nobody's fault
$5.00 miscinsanity
it was seriously nice to look back on your 4th fes debut today, can't wait for your next concert appearance! lightstickbigOlightstick
$10.00 Ryan Sagala I may have joined 3.5 hours later and Incredibly confused on the topics but still a fun entertaining stream to see! Good Old Yabe will never let me down on being a fun stream.bigObigO
MYR 6.00 temporary67315
Have you given any thought to playing TRPGs?
THB 40.00 Rósenya
Without YABE I almost forgot we actually not Sane
€20.00 Aria Lavinde Thanks for the stream, Reine-sama~ I really missed having those varied free talk subjects and remembering good times like the HoloFes! Have fun this afternoon at the café! :_heart:
$10.00 Anton M
Glad to have YABE back! It's been a lot of fun! Have a nice Holoro HoloIDcafe Hustle, and have a nice weekend, weine!
THB 100.00 Rósenya
Reine has to go now? Oh no Accident!! My internet cut out, So can I get a recap of Toe Story Again, pretty please
Rósenya Your Welcome btw