トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【SASUKE 2023 同時視聴 WATCHALONG】FUWAMOCOには… HOLOLIVEしかないんですよ!! 🐾 |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 8 211.49 29,905円 ¥ JPY 20 28245.00 28,245円 CA$ CAD 4 55.00 5,890円 THB THB 1 1000.00 4,125円 A$ AUD 1 20.00 1,938円 ₱ PHP 2 750.00 1,908円 IDR IDR 1 200000.00 1,839円 SGD SGD 2 10.00 1,071円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 74,922円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
58 🔗 |
CA$5.00 | Izzy (3回目) |
at my hockey rink i play a bunch of fuwamoco on the tvs and now they run up to me and yell bau bau even before asking to sharpen the skates | |
¥535 | ||||
59 🔗 |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
60 🔗 |
$1.49 | StarCreator |
¥211 | ||||
61 🔗 |
アルトン |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
62 🔗 |
Nathan Campos | Gifted 5 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
63 🔗 |
はんぺん | was gifted a membership by Nathan Campos | ||
64 🔗 |
TAD-Zad【たど】 | was gifted a membership by Nathan Campos | ||
65 🔗 |
dededen | was gifted a membership by Nathan Campos | ||
66 🔗 |
Wh0could haveKn0wn | was gifted a membership by Nathan Campos | ||
67 🔗 |
てんたる | was gifted a membership by Nathan Campos | ||
68 🔗 |
フーゴ |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
69 🔗 |
天豪 |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
70 🔗 |
¥500 | きゅーりん |
日本語での配信嬉しい!ありがとう! |
¥500 | ||||
71 🔗 |
コンピューターおじいちゃん |
Mad Dog4ヶ月です |
72 🔗 |
¥1,600 | Kみつる |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥1600 | ||||
73 🔗 |
a riku |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
74 🔗 |
₱500.00 | Darklancer99🐾 |
(late) MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU TWO~! It felt like nothing wenty way this month. But you two still made it feel like Christmas to me. My hope and family this year are you and the Ruffians. I can't wait to enjoy the vods! Thank you | |
¥1272 | ||||
75 🔗 |
HunterBlank |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
76 🔗 |
Rukh 397 |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
77 🔗 |
$100.00 | FireDuck (2回目) |
I'll take a dozen | |
¥14140 | ||||
78 🔗 |
れくちゃま |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
79 🔗 |
$20.00 | contrapasta |
Thanks for introducing me to this. Had to reset my schedule to nights for work. |
¥2828 | ||||
80 🔗 |
アスティリア |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
81 🔗 |
松本竜一 |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
82 🔗 |
【ワンワンいるもん】NAL🧪🐾 |
初見です | ||
83 🔗 |
スコーピオン伊藤 | Gifted 1 FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN memberships | ||
84 🔗 |
もこもこのお布団 | was gifted a membership by スコーピオン伊藤 | ||
85 🔗 |
¥1,000 | a riku |
cute |
¥1000 | ||||
86 🔗 |
Ed エド |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
87 🔗 |
Raithe Batou [•_•] |
88 🔗 |
Windzer |
Always watched Sauske with my grandparents. Thanks for bringing me back. |
89 🔗 |
¥200 | a riku (2回目) |
¥200 | ||||
90 🔗 |
¥320 | Lima |
FuwaMocoCM代 | |
¥320 | ||||
91 🔗 |
SGD 5.00 | Kieran (2回目) |
Sudden but hope we can have more Ninja Warrior Watch along in the future especially there are English ones. FuwaMoco will be the next Ninja Warriors! | |
¥536 | ||||
92 🔗 |
¥1,000 | a riku (3回目) |
FUWAMOCO CM very very cute! | |
¥1000 | ||||
93 🔗 |
Silver Wolf |
94 🔗 |
てんもる |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
95 🔗 |
Your Boy Stephen Adams /HoloEN fan |
96 🔗 |
ベンジャミン武世 |
(Doggy) | ||
97 🔗 |
$20.00 | TileSeller |
Thank you for the entertaining watchalong! The high levels of fitness displayed by the competitors should serve as an inspiration to us all! | |
¥2828 | ||||
98 🔗 |
THB 1,000.00 | TaWaN🧪【タワン】 |
Thanks for Sasuke Watchalong! I remember watching it with my family back in my childhood, but it's Kinniku Banzuke. I'm so glad I got to watch it together with you & ruffians! This is such a special time |
¥4125 | ||||
99 🔗 |
¥2,525 | コンピューターおじいちゃん |
I did not know that SASUKE is popular overseas as well!By the way, I prefer Rock Lee to SASUKE. |
¥2525 | ||||
100 🔗 |
¥5,000 | ฅなるみや なゆたฅ🐾 (2回目) |
Thanks for sharing FWMC's end of the year event |
¥5000 | ||||
101 🔗 |
¥3,000 | あおじるもち |
フワモコちゃんとの同時視聴、一生懸命に応援する優しい2人がとっても素敵だったよ!!私も久しぶりにSASUKEを見たけどドキドキで楽しかった!2人が笑っていたCM、最後までわからなかった...気になる...笑 | |
¥3000 | ||||
102 🔗 |
¥200 | 【ワンワンいるもん】NAL🧪🐾 |
フワモコちゃんと一緒に見てるの楽しかった! | |
¥200 | ||||
103 🔗 |
¥2,000 | 蓮根っ子 |
同時視聴ありがとう!いつもは早く終わって欲しいな〜ってなるCMタイムすらフワモコが可愛くて癒しの時間になりあっという間だった!二人の楽しそうな反応や応援(指示もw)みんなで感動したり悔しい気持ちが伝わって泣いたり、フワワちゃんモココちゃん、そしてRuffiansのみんなと一緒に観るSASUKEはいつもの何倍も熱くて楽しかった〜!!ありがとうフワモコ!また観ようね!! |
¥2000 | ||||
104 🔗 |
¥3,200 | めーまー |
ふわもこちゃん!!!夜遅く?朝早く?まで配信お疲れ様でした!!SASUKEふわもこちゃんと観てたらあっという間に時間たって一緒に観れて楽しかった!!日本語配信ありがとう!(´▽`)年末年始配信もたくさん楽しみにしてるね |
¥3200 | ||||
105 🔗 |
$20.00 | art |
おつバウバウ!My first time watching SASUKE live! It was inspiring to see so many normal people challenge it and how much they dedicate to training. 3rdステージ鬼畜すぎる!!!自分のCMレポート:25%お酒、25%TikTok、25%サプリ、25%おしり。ねこのCMどこ行った??? | |
¥2828 | ||||
106 🔗 |
¥1,000 | サズー@心路(こころ)P (2回目) |
今回のSASUKEは製作者と森本との戦いだから、最後しっかり落とすことができたので、製作者の勝利。でもここからみんな対策してくるから、次回が楽しみ。それに今回はふんどしと銀行員、中学生が出てきたから未来につながるいい大会だった! | |
¥1000 | ||||
107 🔗 |
¥200 | アルトン |
楽しい同時視聴ありがとう!しかも日本語で!是非来年も同時視聴よろしくおねがいします! | |
¥200 | ||||
108 🔗 |
Cheesydream |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
109 🔗 |
アップルπ314 |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
110 🔗 |
TRY4 |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
111 🔗 |
CA$20.00 | GLC H 🪐 |
Thank you for the Sasuke watchalong! It was a blast, first time seeing through an entire event live! Seeing all of the contestants' efforts training, and the pressure during the moment, it's hard not to wish them the best! | |
¥2142 | ||||
112 🔗 |
IDR 200,000.00 | John Smith |
にほんごはよわよわでもたのしかった | |
¥1839 | ||||
113 🔗 |
やち |
もこちゃんのふんどし楽しみにしてる | ||
114 🔗 |
A$20.00 | G D -KFP ERM |
Thanks for the watchalong, first time watching this, I had so much fun. | |
¥1938 | ||||
115 🔗 |
こうはな |
日本語配信ありがとう | ||
116 🔗 |
¥2,000 | あすあすか |
SASUKE同時視聴ありがとー!!フワモコ達とRuffiansと一緒に見れて本当に良かったー!日本語多めですっごく新鮮でした…!お二人が楽しそうに応援してる姿とか色々見れて楽しかったです!発熱したSASUKEで夢中になっちゃいました…!年末の振り返り配信とかも楽しみすぎる…!今日はありがとうねー!!また後でFWMCMORNINGで会おう!(Fuwamocoらぶー!!) | |
¥2000 | ||||
117 🔗 |
¥500 | ゃぎん |
同時視聴ありがと~!これまでSASUKEはあまりちゃんと見たことがなかったけど、二人のおかげで本当に楽しかったよ~! | |
¥500 | ||||
118 🔗 |
$20.00 | Anan🐾Onel |
That was super fun! Definitely something that can be enjoyed regardless of language. Now all we need is for some Ruffian to become a Buffian to represent us at next year's Sasuke... | |
¥2828 | ||||
119 🔗 |
$20.00 | twobearshighfiving |
Y'all's Japanese streams are a nice way to check my studying progress! By the way, 言語を行ったり来たりするとき、すごく可愛いね | |
¥2828 |