トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【SUPERCHAT READING】happy happy times with you 🐾✨ |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 48 1288.96 192,654円 NT$ TWD 5 3900.00 18,411円 A$ AUD 5 75.00 7,377円 £ GBP 2 30.00 5,650円 HUF HUF 4 12400.00 5,330円 CA$ CAD 4 44.00 4,820円 IDR IDR 2 400000.00 3,849円 PLN PLN 1 100.00 3,742円 SEK SEK 2 250.00 3,579円 € EUR 1 20.00 3,273円 ¥ JPY 3 1640.00 1,640円 ₪ ILS 1 30.00 1,200円 ₹ INR 1 100.00 179円 ₱ PHP 1 50.00 135円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 251,840円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
27 🔗 |
$19.99 | Dong An |
Which senpai in en group you most like? | |
¥2988 | ||||
28 🔗 |
HUF 4,000 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 |
Does Pero let us touch his ears when giving him a headpat? If so, he might be a better candidate for headpats... I'm just kidding! |
¥1719 | ||||
29 🔗 |
$100.00 | agri🐾 |
fuwamoco love |
¥14947 | ||||
30 🔗 |
¥320 | ホロライブClipper ユキ |
I will born to FWMC!! ところでもこちゃんはなんでいせかいアニメがにがてなの? | |
¥320 | ||||
31 🔗 |
なと(凪時)🐾 |
The best answer.. | ||
32 🔗 |
$10.00 | otm🐾 |
gesundheit! | |
¥1495 | ||||
33 🔗 |
A$20.00 | ranmazoku |
Mococo looks so smug with that sneeze! |
¥1967 | ||||
34 🔗 |
HUF 400 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (2回目) |
¥172 | ||||
35 🔗 |
$10.00 | Pudding Rat🐾 |
sneeze tax bless you! | |
¥1495 | ||||
36 🔗 |
$2.00 | Bishop |
¥299 | ||||
37 🔗 |
A$10.00 | G D -KFP ERM |
Gesundheit... sneeze tax | |
¥984 | ||||
38 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Pibsu |
Sneeze Taxkaru | |
¥135 | ||||
39 🔗 |
A$5.00 | Lux Aeterna 🐾 |
Tskr Bless you! | |
¥492 | ||||
40 🔗 |
CA$2.00 | Dog Strings |
sneeze...tax? dowry? | |
¥219 | ||||
41 🔗 |
$50.00 | DeepFriedScream |
Ms. Fuwamoco... we've decided to destroy all sneezes in the Northwest Passage. I will not allow further allergies to tarnish our sneace-ful reputation! I just figured I should let you know since you BAU BAU in the middle of Northwest Passage. (1/2) | |
¥7473 | ||||
42 🔗 |
$50.00 | DeepFriedScream (2回目) |
I neither need nor want your approval. This is more of a... professional courtesy. I appreciate your cooperation. I trust you won't do anything to impede our Business As Usual? | |
¥7473 | ||||
43 🔗 |
$20.00 | rad shiba (3回目) |
Wait is the reason you dislike pizza that you can't handle tomatoes? Have you tried pizza with white sauce or something? Uh... I'm not used to having this much space left. Fuwawa, could you say "Nyaa nyaa nyaaruhodo" for us? | |
¥2989 | ||||
44 🔗 |
$10.00 | Honzo |
Bau Bau! You're both so much fun and I enjoy the joy and passion you bring to Hololive and us Ruffians. Thank you for protecting our smiles |
¥1495 | ||||
45 🔗 |
$5.00 | KyoujiTheBlackAce | Fuwawa! Mococo! Hello you two~! I hope both of you are well! I shall now pat you both if that's okay. *pat pat* | |
¥747 | ||||
46 🔗 |
CA$20.00 | Dog Strings (2回目) |
Speaking of how cinematic Metal Gear is: MGS was Kojima’s first 3d game. He took Lego to the office, and built some of the sets, just so he could physically show his team how to set up the cameras shots for some cutscenes | |
¥2191 | ||||
47 🔗 |
Kyle S. |
48 🔗 |
¥1,000 | TS | Hi Fuwamoco! I'm visiting Japan for the 1st time. Two weeks in now, lots of walkies! Ate a Pon de ring, was tasty! Also tasted Natto for the first time... I now understand Mococo. I ate 2 forks of it. | |
¥1000 | ||||
49 🔗 |
Asuka Chan |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
50 🔗 |
$20.00 | rad shiba (4回目) |
The year 2024 will be SOOOOO much less meh now that I have you two in my lives. Every time I see you makes my day immeasurably better! OK, specifically, for a maid, which is your ideal personality type? I really like kuudere. | |
¥2989 | ||||
51 🔗 |
$5.00 | Sir lancelot |
Thank you for putting a smile on my face Beacause of you 2 I'm working hard to become future police officer keep up the good work | |
¥747 | ||||
52 🔗 |
$50.00 | twobearshighfiving (2回目) |
Snake wasn't bullying Meryl, it was a compliment! In fact, Snake taught me how to talk to women. By the way ladies, y'all have great tails! | |
¥7473 | ||||
53 🔗 |
$19.99 | Rin |
Pirate Mococo is actually building up power in her wicked left eye….one day she’ll unleash here full power…(forgive me, chunibyo eyepatch Mococo is livingng rent free in my head) | |
¥2988 | ||||
54 🔗 |
NT$1,500.00 | Andrew Huang | FuwaMoco Morning配信のおかげで、自分にいっぱい元気をもらっていますのいつも感謝しています。 あのね~二人に聞きたいことが1つあるんですが… FuwaMocoは自分の「体のチャーミングポイント、どの部位がこれからRuffiansにアピールしたい?」 とても気になります |
¥7081 | ||||
55 🔗 |
Rerags |
(Welcome to Doggy!) | ||
56 🔗 |
£10.00 | TriNova | At the NYC panel Fuwawa accidentally said Tribble instead of trilobite. is it possible that you're a fan of/have watched Star Trek?? Bau bau! | |
¥1883 | ||||
57 🔗 |
$10.00 | highflyer | Mococo LOVE! Such a Passionate, Brainy Beauty! (Fuwa-nee is also Lovely). You've Worked for *So* Long and Now your Dreams are Coming True! Really Motivates Me to Go Achieve my Own Goals Nowl | |
¥1495 | ||||
58 🔗 |
$49.99 | Ricky G |
It’s my Birthday as of the last 30 mins or so. But I look forward to the next year with you two as my first and only kami oshis… any we can hear the airhorns? | |
¥7472 | ||||
59 🔗 |
CA$2.00 | Dog Strings (3回目) |
Hallo ain't in no dictionary (I added BAU in mine) | |
¥219 | ||||
60 🔗 |
$20.00 | jameswargull |
Any excuse to spend more time with you two is always welcome! It's always such a joy! Thank you so much for taking the time for us! |
¥2989 | ||||
61 🔗 |
$30.00 | Red Jester |
Konichiwa FuwaMoco! I just saw that recent tier list and I wanted to let you know the person who made it was DEAD WRONG! Obviously this person has no idea how EXTREMELY VIOLENT you can be when motivated! |
¥4484 | ||||
62 🔗 |
$5.00 | Primal Neon Seppuku | BAU BAU | |
¥747 | ||||
63 🔗 |
$20.00 | rad shiba (5回目) |
THANK YOU FUWAWA-OJOUSAMA for that charming, beautiful, incredible, adorable, wonderful laugh! also thanks for trying moco-chan | |
¥2989 | ||||
64 🔗 |
A$20.00 | G D -KFP ERM (2回目) |
Tskr Fuwawa that was a good Ojousama laugh |
¥1967 | ||||
65 🔗 |
IDR 200,000.00 | John Smith (2回目) |
チワワではありません、フワワですわ〜 フワワではありません、モココですわ〜 二人は、フワモコですわ〜 お〜〜ほほほ~ | |
¥1925 | ||||
66 🔗 |
¥320 | ホロライブClipper ユキ (2回目) |
1にちがBdayだったからおそいけどお祝いしてほしいな♪I was born to LOVEyou! | |
¥320 | ||||
67 🔗 |
$20.00 | ShinyX |
¥2989 | ||||
68 🔗 |
$20.00 | Anan🐾Onel |
On the topic of SCs and it being silly with showing them, have you ever used hololyzer? It's useful for keeping track of SCs and other stream info. I think at least a couple other hololive members use it, too | |
¥2989 | ||||
69 🔗 |
$2.00 | phillegacy (2回目) |
Thank you for making me smile fuwamoco. Good night | |
¥299 | ||||
70 🔗 |
PLN 100.00 | Gremu |
Hello Fuwawa! Hello Mococo! I just wanted to thank you both for making me way happier since your debut! Btw. thanks to Mococo Pup Talks I was able to defend my master's thesis yesterday! | |
¥3742 | ||||
71 🔗 |
$50.00 | twobearshighfiving (3回目) |
¥7473 | ||||
72 🔗 |
$20.00 | art |
OTUBAUBAU! I also have ~2 weeks each year where I can't breathe (usually when the seasons change). The only thing which works for me and lets me sleep are decongestant nasal sprays. Hope you can find what works for you! | |
¥2989 | ||||
73 🔗 |
$20.00 | rad shiba (6回目) |
Daniel Feher BAU BAU says that an "honest and a little pon" maid is just our beloved Fuwawa-sama. I'm not sure that I agree, but Mococo-sama, what kind of maid would your sister be best at acting? Fuwawa-sama, same question! | |
¥2989 | ||||
74 🔗 |
$50.00 | twobearshighfiving (4回目) |
You ladies don't HAVE charm points, you ARE charm points | |
¥7473 | ||||
75 🔗 |
$20.00 | TileSeller |
Glad we got to see Mococo's tail so much this stream! I'm excited for tomorrow! | |
¥2989 | ||||
76 🔗 |
NT$1,500.00 | 佑認識你 |
baubau!! 12/3 is my birthday,can fuwamoco say happy birthday for me?And can say 「笨蛋 變態 吵死人了」it's Chinese,can use Japanese? sorry my English is so low | |
¥7081 | ||||
77 🔗 |
HUF 4,000 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (3回目) |
it's okay I love seagull Moco-chan too, you don't need to be an ojousama |
¥1719 | ||||
78 🔗 |
CA$20.00 | Dog Strings (4回目) |
I took my car for maintenance, and the shop misaligned the belt. it now sounds like Mococo's ojou laugh (I love you Mococo) | |
¥2191 | ||||
79 🔗 |
A$20.00 | G D -KFP ERM (3回目) |
Its all good Mococo, Fuwawa may have a good Ojousama laugh, I do like your Gremlin laugh | |
¥1967 | ||||
80 🔗 |
$20.00 | Stingray |
Hi FuwaMoco i was wondering if you were planning on playing lethal company with advent also looking foreword to the cover an other banger cant wait BAU BAU | |
¥2989 | ||||
81 🔗 |
NT$750.00 | Andrew Huang (2回目) |
Mococo take care of your throat!! Even I REALLY love your scream!! |
¥3541 | ||||
82 🔗 |
$20.00 | Adonais |
Moco-chan's smile, laugh (and sneezes) certainly make me happy, but her charm point, at least for me, has to be her winks. I can just think you trained so hard to make it as charming as demonly possible. No one can beat you! | |
¥2989 | ||||
83 🔗 |
$20.00 | Itta 🐾 |
Thank you for trying the laugh seagull-hime, I know your heart was in it! | |
¥2989 | ||||
84 🔗 |
$20.00 | CatinMoon |
Heya Mococo! Hi Fuwawa! Twin maids would be like Rem and Ram from Rezero? With that in consideration what do you think? (Mococo read) how can we see Fuwawa's tail more besides the bib?? LOVE YOU | |
¥2989 | ||||
85 🔗 |
$20.00 | rad shiba (7回目) |
okay ojousama laugh is a bit hard, can I have a "kufufufufu" belly laugh from each of my kamioshis? | |
¥2989 | ||||
86 🔗 |
$50.00 | Drills |
Hallo Hallo Bau Bau!! |
¥7473 | ||||
87 🔗 |
SEK 200.00 | ImJust Mani | hello fuwamoco!! i have not been able to work due to a sport accident that dislocated my shoulder but ur stream made it better, so thank youuuu | |
¥2863 | ||||
88 🔗 |
$50.00 | Anan🐾Onel (2回目) |
It's always just so nice spending time with you like this. Thank you. |
¥7473 | ||||
89 🔗 |
$20.00 | TheDAWinz |
Help! My mind's been taken over by Psycho Pero and now i can't stop resisting the urge to touch fuwawas tail and ears! look out! |
¥2989 | ||||
90 🔗 |
£20.00 | TriNova (2回目) |
(I think my last supa got eaten by youtube so imma try again sorry!) At NYC Fuwawa accidentally said Tribble instead of trilobite. is it possible that you're a fan of/have watched Star Trek? thanks! | |
¥3767 | ||||
91 🔗 |
₪30.00 | Kureiji Kara |
How to get Fuwawa happy? Also, you two said you're as strong as Bae. What abilities do you have? |
¥1200 | ||||
92 🔗 |
$20.00 | rad shiba (8回目) |
Thank you for putting up with all of my weird laugh suggestions tonight! I haven't had such a good time in ages. Can I request one final item? A really powerful "GYA HA HA HA HA!"? You make my days soooooo much brighter! | |
¥2989 | ||||
93 🔗 |
HUF 4,000 | Dániel Fehér 🐾 (4回目) |
I see Moco-chan is jealous that they only wanted to touch Fuwawa's ears and tail... Don't worry, I'll touch yours! | |
¥1719 | ||||
94 🔗 |
$50.00 | ZuzuTheEvil |
Blessed FuwaMoco noises are good for the soul | |
¥7473 |