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配信名:【FIRE EMBLEM ENGAGE】Dancing in the Desert! Unless I ditch him for a girl #kfp #キアライブ
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	39	760.98		102,744円
CA$	CAD	15	288.00		28,066円
NT$	TWD	4	2625.00		11,491円
 A$	AUD	4	106.00		9,414円
MX$	MXN	3	565.00		4,125円
PLN	PLN	1	100.00		3,071円
  ¥	JPY	2	2500.00		2,500円
  €	EUR	4	14.00		2,014円
DKK	DKK	1	50.00		965円
  £	GBP	1	5.00		812円
  ₱	PHP	1	250.00		612円
ARS	ARS	1	900.00		609円
HK$	HKD	1	25.00		430円
----	----	----	----		166,853円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
MX$250.00 Hildegard Hi Kiara, I finally made it to my first year as a slave in KFP, it's been a lot of fun jumping into the fryer for you, Gracias Tenchou, Viva la Pollo! bokbok
Matias Jobeth this is true fire emblem player experience,rely on the purest rng even if the crit chance is a 1% and is the most insecure way,congratsluv
Rokmal Serala Love all the cheese
Elvan1st 3 pm here
Cruz Don't worry about the supas. Make the most out of your time! dawdawdaw
$50.00 Mavjin8 Progress today! Maybe Veronica next time? Earlier someone mentioned a Mario movie watchalong once it hits digital, but you know there IS that live action movie. Don't forget the Apple Tenchou. Looking forward to the offcollabs.
pariah the chimkin nugget hi kiwawa
レブレブ[Rev]- KFP Phoenix Feather Distributor Wawa Love!luvluvluv