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配信名:【SONG RELEASE AFTER PARTY】speakin of mumei
記号	通貨	回数	通貨毎合計	円換算合計
  $	USD	72	1625.33		242,234円
  ¥	JPY	14	46314.00	46,314円
  ₩	KRW	6	335000.00	37,280円
NT$	TWD	5	2325.00		10,803円
CHF	CHF	1	50.00		8,270円
CA$	CAD	6	60.72		6,656円
THB	THB	2	500.00		2,046円
PEN	PEN	2	51.49		2,009円
IDR	IDR	2	200000.00	1,899円
 A$	AUD	2	10.00		957円
HK$	HKD	1	50.00		953円
  ₱	PHP	3	324.00		853円
MX$	MXN	1	100.00		835円
CLP	CLP	1	5000.00		805円
 R$	BRL	2	21.49		634円
----	----	----	----		362,548円

元金額 チャンネル名 チャット
$2.00 Sergio I Listen to Porter Robinson. Same vibes
$10.00 Galdwynn Congrats on the new original song. I'm glad you were able to make something that is so special to you. I can't wait to see what you make next.
HK$50.00 CCHin Beautiful Song! This song gets into the top 2 Mumei solo original songs for sure!
$5.00 MiserablyHappy Just wanted to say I really love the new song, Mumei! I haven't been able to get it out of my head since yesterday!
R$20.00 woda the hedgehog Congrats on the new original song! It was wonderful. The song, the MV, your voice, everything just hit me right. Seeing as you're asking as I'm sending this, I feel this song is sort of "hopeful".
CA$20.00 Krumples I'm not a man good with words, but the MV made me feel melancholic and hopeful. It touched me and made me tear up and I couldn't help but rewatch it several more times throughout the night and day. Thank you for making it.
Cloverlea [47] Thank you for the Moomsic! You and everyone else did amazing! lublub
A$5.00 Jackie Chan
the whale is us 💸💸💸
¥2,000 Jelly Thank you for the beautiful mv and the touching song. Congratulations on your great work! mumeis are such treasures in 2023, haha
$100.00 Orenjiro Manju Hi Mumei! 4 birthdays?! You might as well make the entire year yours aoa Congrats on the release of mumei. It was beautifully done and had a huge emotional and nostalgic impact on me. Didn't cry tho. I'm no babu! Thank you for the hard work you put into this!
₩50,000 한여름(一夏) = onlysummer17 Hello Mumei! Congrats on your second original song! I thought I'd listened to quite a few Vocaloid songs,so I was really surprised that I hadn't heard whoo and TKN until your songs. Do you have any other recommendations on your hidden vocaloid gems?
Project Chocobo (Owl Pal)
$5.00 CaptainRatix Well the name came either way which is nameless.
R$1.49 woda the hedgehog
$20.00 Panopticon I love your new song. I get choked up watching it. I'm not a big idol song person but your music was touching.
$5.00 John Dilig it's hard to comment when you just cried from watching & being moved by your song & MV. Great work, Mumei & team! 🤎🪶😍🥺
Car-Hell-ion Is this the cute owl nameless nameless stream?smuglub
糖果 (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
¥2,000 Dofu
The song has become a sanctuary for my emotions, a place where I can find solace, understanding, and a connection to something greater than myself, and I am grateful to have you and your music in my life.Thank you, Mumei. 🤎
$5.00 HumanPerson I am choosing to believe that the girl actually IS Friend. Girl died and her ghost is now possessing a paper bag.
$10.00 Dingus Khaan
I like to think of the figure as the *idea* of a companion. A friend, a parent, *something.* The figure is female probably because the Mumei in the video only has herself as reference.
SmilingPerson™️ Hii mumei!! congratulations on your 2nd original song!!, big fan of short mumei and wish i could give her headpats
Santi Sin Sinápsis Mumei is the perfect song for Mumei and now I love Mumei too much
CA$10.00 VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly I am having a hard time expressing how much I love the original song Mumei sang by Nanashi Mumei, but all I can say is...The song is really amazing Mooms!!
marcjel.c crymumei so relatablelub thank you for the wonderful song
Schiffer M don don
¥800 虎順 congratulations🥳
Best Go (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
₩200,000 Arahant Moom, me and YouTube made a silly mistake, so one of the SuperChats I sent to Mumei was refunded, sorrycry and MUMEI was really good songlala I've had a really hard time recently, but thanks to this song, I have hope again. I will also work hard for Mumei, thank youlub
$4.99 Giox The new song “Mumei” is amazing!! Just wanted to say thank you for your hard work!! Even after listening to it a lot the feels are really strong!
$19.99 g Gg I cried hella after watching the video. And this time not from being given a stab stab.
NT$1,500.00 Schiffer M I deeply affected by your original song. don don
Froot lublublub
ShinyX (Owl Pal)
$100.00 KanashiiWolf
I am mumei comfy
NT$150.00 修娘2007 Great song! And I'm so touching from the song "mumei"! Thank you so much, Nanashi Mumei, TKN-sama, Otori-sama and the others!
$50.00 rxasus Seeing that TKN-san was involved made me do a triple take. I was so happy to see their name after what felt like forever. Did you by chance listen to TKN-san's "Hatsune"? That's THE throwback song for me, but anyway. Congrats on the release!!
Ikxi - Forever a Tatsunoko I love the song a lot. Been playing it a lot on repeat. I hope will do more original songs berry
Playable NPC (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
Dace (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
$100.00 FakeAquila First Aka just to say, I lost most of my friends over a year ago cause of a big fight. Its hard to express how relatable and heartwarming the song is. I maybe be lost and alone, but I'll find my way out of this. Especially with the help of silly Owl's lantern lub
maytora (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
SnowyAndo I loved the song and MV! It's really cool to see all the different interpretations people have of it in the comments.
$10.00 EtchySketchy [1/3]When I first saw the MV, I loved its bittersweet charm. I listened to it all day. Later that day, I had a rough time emotionally, so I played music on my drive home to lift my spirits up.
Sensuifu I am Mumei, you are Mumei, we all are Mumei
$10.00 EtchySketchy
[2/3] As my playlist shuffled through happy and sad songs, this particular song began to play, and to my surprise, I suddenly bursted into tears, even though I've heard the song several times by now.
CHF 50.00 mistrblocker Love the vibe of this song, Mumei! This one is going to be stuck in my head for a while. Fantastic MV as well!
$5.00 Space Corgi
I agree with you with how your songs and streams comfort people, but in no other time have we been able to directly interact with the content creator.
$10.00 EtchySketchy
[3/3] It's been a long time since a song moved me to tears. After hearing this song, it made me cherish human connections much more. Thank you for creating such a beautiful song, Mumei.
Megane-Savant (Welcome to Owl Pal!)
$100.00 StarCreator this is a gray superchat
$5.00 EnderTako Kudos to your Artist! they did a fantastic job!
CA$7.74 CaptainCoxwaggle (無言スパチャ)
$10.00 thehoax Doing the rare gray superchat!
Jayfeather09 this is a red supa chat
$10.00 MisterVeeg Moom vitamin fund? aoa
JAR Congratulations to you and your team on releasing Mumei! What was your symbolism for the split rock?
IDR 100,000.00 Vanschia [ヴァンスキア] thanks for sharing Mumei, things happened in the past but maybe it's for the better.. I can't imagine hololive EN without you.. love, love mumei, love it so much I can sing it now without lyrics xd
Tun i'm a Owl Pal now
¥2,000 NForza Hololive becoming a platform for indie musicians through the members has been a big draw for me so I'm glad you've done the same. Wonderful song and video, looking forward to more in the future! thumbsup
¥10,000 たいぷらする This song is literally your own. Thank you for such a wonderful project. I LOVE "mumei"lub
$20.00 XynthoanXV2 I'm going through some things, but listening to your stream at work is giving me some inspiration to do some of my own things as you talk about your song. So thank you. Keep being you and splendid.
$10.00 EtchySketchy
Is the MV a Boomei origin story? With the theme of loneliness, the outfit, the lanturn and all.
¥2,774 コーデリア【Cordelia】 Oh hi mumei! The new original song was great! You have a great voice...! And it was a great birthday present too!
$10.00 EtchySketchy
I'm curious about what would Moom's channel Owlgorithm be paired with. Its all going to be cute and funny things.. r-right?
Crissy Hi Mumei, I hope you're doing well lub
$50.00 Guts Fring I think a Great Flood wiped out the previous civilization, leaving you to be it's nameless ghost. An Ahab of the Self, you try to remember what was lost as humanity regrows to the heights of it's past. But in the end, you became ok with being Mumei.
Yeenu It was such an amazing song, I haven't teared up to a song in a long time. Thank-you!
THB 400.00 Adarin Fantasy Thank you for the Wonderful song, it's super duper great great best ever ♥ LOVE
$100.00 AcerBandit Gray supas today are appropriate! Thank you for the amazing song, Mumei. Everyone did an incredible job with it! Loved it! lub
Wayne Hong Gifted 5 Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN memberships
ian h was gifted a membership by Wayne Hong
Shililoquy was gifted a membership by Wayne Hong
User not found was gifted a membership by Wayne Hong
Cafebcs was gifted a membership by Wayne Hong
mat_heus was gifted a membership by Wayne Hong
$10.00 Will Felde Must get in the gray super chat