トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。 |
配信名:【Minecraft】journey to the north【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 $ USD 82 286.03 36,579円 MX$ MXN 13 1769.00 12,055円 IDR IDR 40 1339000.00 11,329円 NT$ TWD 10 2355.00 9,941円 € EUR 7 25.00 3,468円 MYR MYR 4 98.70 2,912円 ₱ PHP 19 1100.00 2,561円 CA$ CAD 2 10.00 954円 £ GBP 1 5.00 782円 THB THB 1 100.00 389円 R$ BRL 1 10.00 251円 A$ AUD 1 2.00 178円 HK$ HKD 1 10.00 164円 NZ$ NZD 1 2.00 163円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 81,727円 |
時間 |
元金額 | チャンネル名 | チャット | |
円建て | ||||
59 🔗 |
Xii Mochi |
60 🔗 |
NT$15.00 | バリバリ兎田醤油せんべい | (無言スパチャ) | |
¥63 | ||||
61 🔗 |
IDR 100,000.00 | Kang Bakso | ela, if poison expires, is it no longer poisonus or it gets even more poisonus? pls answer ela, i've been in shower for 2 hours thinking about this, anymore than this, then i might get cold | |
¥846 | ||||
62 🔗 |
Neftiaf |
63 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Cibengwawa |
Good morning Ela! your hairpins looks nice CHU | |
¥169 | ||||
64 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | miku2021 (2回目) |
any special event for 22th?? | |
¥423 | ||||
65 🔗 |
₱125.00 | Edward Villa | Kaelala Have you seen the new movie (P)cat in Boots? | |
¥291 | ||||
66 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Rama Satya (3回目) |
imagine your neighbor renovate your house, and you dont know... | |
¥423 | ||||
67 🔗 |
MX$25.00 | Rene Alarcon (4回目) |
Would you do a watchalong of a LoL tournament? | |
¥170 | ||||
68 🔗 |
MX$65.00 | Rene Alarcon (5回目) |
Set a message saying "The Kaela Kingdom" so future ID discover the village and say "Kaela luar biasa". | |
¥443 | ||||
69 🔗 |
$2.69 | Mi Amor (O.F.) |
Sending good vibes to my favorite penguin |
¥344 | ||||
70 🔗 |
MX$125.00 | Neftiaf (2回目) |
No hay que negar a la linda mama pinguino Ela~ |
¥852 | ||||
71 🔗 |
$5.00 | Ruminator |
portals fund | |
¥639 | ||||
72 🔗 |
$5.00 | Tabitha Gabrielle (5回目) |
You love Ruined Portals? So, If i become a portal, and then you Ruin me |
¥639 | ||||
73 🔗 |
NZ$2.00 | Garfield | Good lands are here, this stream | |
¥163 | ||||
74 🔗 |
CA$5.00 | Pinkie Pyro (2回目) |
Kaela, how do you say "cute mommy penguin" in Indonesian? asking for a friend... | |
¥477 | ||||
75 🔗 |
$5.00 | Ruminator (2回目) |
the good lands are wherever kaela is c: | |
¥639 | ||||
76 🔗 |
MX$125.00 | Rene Alarcon (6回目) |
I remember now for LoL watchalongs. Altare said they give permission but since his new Stars account was just level 3, Riot said "lol no". | |
¥852 | ||||
77 🔗 |
NT$300.00 | 青蛙 |
Before I slept, Ela was streaming, after I woke up, ELa is still streaming, are you real Ela ,or Ckia and Skia disguise? | |
¥1266 | ||||
78 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Parahita Kayra |
Hi ela, do you have a good sleb tonight? | |
¥169 | ||||
79 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Rama Satya (4回目) |
I gtg i need going to church right now..hv fun with your stream, and dont forget too rest okaay..GLHF then Kaela.. See you at another stream today?lol | |
¥423 | ||||
80 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Naga Indosiar (5回目) |
btw besok ad Pejuang Senin? | |
¥169 | ||||
81 🔗 |
MYR 6.00 | akeef danny | just join the live, and saw an Emperor PenguinEla | |
¥177 | ||||
82 🔗 |
$2.00 | Zephyr Ch. | you mean cat Smith neighbor | |
¥256 | ||||
83 🔗 |
NT$75.00 | Jack |
Good morning coolest ID penguin.Good to watch you streaming Minecraft again.(bless) | |
¥317 | ||||
84 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | ferdinand yonathan |
serious question about minecraft: sun rise east? | |
¥169 | ||||
85 🔗 |
$2.00 | TubePowered /チューブパワード |
Nice eyebrows, Ela | |
¥256 | ||||
86 🔗 |
€2.00 | Zetsuna - Fried Shrimp |
Need to take the road early. HF treasure hunting ! | |
¥277 | ||||
87 🔗 |
$20.00 | Tartyr Sause | its because your the real treasure Kaela | |
¥2558 | ||||
88 🔗 |
$5.00 | TubePowered /チューブパワード (2回目) |
You know it's funny; some chats want to be stepped on, but we just want to be told to GSH... | |
¥639 | ||||
89 🔗 |
$1.69 | Andrew Swallie (5回目) |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥216 | ||||
90 🔗 |
THB 100.00 | James Voldemor | Good Morning My Beloved Penguin. | |
¥389 | ||||
91 🔗 |
Emed Raoru Ch. |
(Welcome to KAELUARGA!) | ||
92 🔗 |
$4.99 | AndyMcKeeFanForLife |
Hi, Kaela! Just tuning in. Are we being super serious streamer, cool blacksmith, or cute Antarctic aquatic bird today? | |
¥638 | ||||
93 🔗 |
Blue Tearstone Soup |
Hey Ela, I love your Minecraft adventures, especially when we get to see your cute side. |
94 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | M | Spellcaster |
Hi | |
¥423 | ||||
95 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Alenka Inventra | DigiKagi | im happy as long as ela is happy peepoShy | |
¥169 | ||||
96 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | M | Spellcaster (2回目) |
just want to say kaela is cu-cool-te | |
¥423 | ||||
97 🔗 |
$4.99 | AndyMcKeeFanForLife (2回目) |
Kaela is protagonist of “I was a super cool, super serious blacksmith transported to a fantasy world where I saved the kingdom” anime. 10/10 anime | |
¥638 | ||||
98 🔗 |
$1.99 | AndyMcKeeFanForLife (3回目) |
GSH | |
¥254 | ||||
99 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Naga Indosiar (6回目) |
kalo dioerhatikan lg tu alis mirip wiper mobil | |
¥169 | ||||
100 🔗 |
Sanzama |
La coba itu yg kumis atau alis taro di pipi, mana tau kamu jadi punya ekor 9 ntar |
101 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | Le Chiever |
Talking about Journey to the North, jd keinget pas bocah dulu main GTA ngejar huruf N di mini map sampe berjam" berharap ada sesuatu | |
¥423 | ||||
102 🔗 |
103 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Clarence Ediana |
selesai kugawe, disambut stream si kuning. mantap | |
¥169 | ||||
104 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Dhery Casper | pernah kek gini la? mau ke wc malah ambil piring | |
¥169 | ||||
105 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Clarence Ediana (2回目) |
kenapa ada kumis disana :) | |
¥169 | ||||
106 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | pramben |
la coba antenanya agak diputer dikit,,biar jernih | |
¥169 | ||||
107 🔗 |
HK$10.00 | Kit |
GoodMorning Ela!Why you have antenna on your head? | |
¥164 | ||||
108 🔗 |
$4.99 | AndyMcKeeFanForLife (4回目) |
Forgot to ask him if he knows about The Church of Kaela and if he’d like to join. | |
¥638 | ||||
109 🔗 |
(Welcome to KAELUARGA!) | ||
110 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | pramben (2回目) |
look guys,,2 chopstick and egg noodle,,itadakimasu | |
¥169 | ||||
111 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | CavePenguin |
ela otaknya ga cuma silau, kurang sinyal jg? | |
¥169 | ||||
112 🔗 |
IDR 10,000.00 | dikam2024 | (無言スパチャ) | |
¥85 | ||||
113 🔗 |
MX$65.00 | Luis Crash | Mami ela love you, you are the best pingüino |
¥443 | ||||
114 🔗 |
$5.00 | Andrew Swallie (6回目) |
work finished early, now I can ask: who do you play in league? | |
¥639 | ||||
115 🔗 |
$2.00 | Andrew Swallie (7回目) |
like which champions | |
¥256 | ||||
116 🔗 |
$2.00 | Andrew Swallie (8回目) |
do you think of me less if I say I play Fiora? | |
¥256 | ||||
117 🔗 |
$2.00 | QuattroKerbecs |
kaelas quadbrows went from serious to sadge I see | |
¥256 | ||||
118 🔗 |
Conrado Vladimir |
(Welcome to KAELUARGA!) | ||
119 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | jonathan ryan j |
# itu bakal dipake smpe kapan la? | |
¥169 | ||||
120 🔗 |
Aga Ilham |
sneaky chu chu |
121 🔗 |
$5.00 | Bucho |
find any treasure yet? | |
¥639 | ||||
122 🔗 |
Avocado |
Cute penguin | ||
123 🔗 |
Special Edition Vergil |
(Welcome to KAELUARGA!) | ||
124 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | CavePenguin (2回目) |
even MC knows u're directionally challenged they gave 3 maps | |
¥423 | ||||
125 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo |
aw wanted 2 make joke about no boat but u have one | |
¥256 | ||||
126 🔗 |
$2.00 | Steam Goliath (4回目) |
You should frame all 3 maps in the museum | |
¥256 | ||||
127 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (2回目) |
3 handed Kaela? Uhhhh. Dunno if cool or GSH | |
¥256 | ||||
128 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (3回目) |
"No doors!?" *breaks fence and ignores door on other side. "Nothing in here!?" Disappointed that she can't steal, detonated creeper in their yard. | |
¥639 | ||||
129 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (4回目) |
Smol nether requires small nether portal | |
¥256 | ||||
130 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (5回目) |
*takes bell* *Pillager attack 4 seconds later* | |
¥256 | ||||
131 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (6回目) |
what are you going to do with the bells anyway!? | |
¥256 | ||||
132 🔗 |
$5.00 | Ruminator (3回目) |
Bell search and rescue fund, we need bell insurance | |
¥639 | ||||
133 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (7回目) |
you're getting luck by DOOMING all these poor villagers! How could you, you monster!? They'll be pillaged mere moments after you leave! They're DOOMED | |
¥639 | ||||
134 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Naga Indosiar (7回目) |
hero yng nyolong bel | |
¥169 | ||||
135 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (8回目) |
I'm not worried since I DON'T LIVE IN THE VILLAGE! | |
¥256 | ||||
136 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (9回目) |
...I would be worried if I did since YOU TOOK BELL | |
¥256 | ||||
137 🔗 |
$5.00 | Ruminator (4回目) |
Whats the cover story if the villager cops come knocking? | |
¥639 | ||||
138 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (10回目) |
I mean, maybe? At least ask if you could take it? | |
¥256 | ||||
139 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Naga Indosiar (8回目) |
mana berani, yng ngambil full armed | |
¥169 | ||||
140 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (11回目) |
Kaela you could DESTROY every villager with very little effort. They let you take it because they're afraid you'll just murder hobo them. | |
¥639 | ||||
141 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (12回目) |
¥256 | ||||
142 🔗 |
$5.00 | Steam Goliath (5回目) |
Careful when you steal/take stuff Kaela! They will call Oozora police to arrest you! No one has escaped from them yet. | |
¥639 | ||||
143 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | pramben (3回目) |
vilager : we let her take the bell,since she cute | |
¥169 | ||||
144 🔗 |
R$10.00 | volchok1001 |
Kaela Cutest Opressive Tyrant | |
¥251 | ||||
145 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (13回目) |
Story checks out, she asked them. | |
¥256 | ||||
146 🔗 |
Manuel Pascual |
Kaela the enemy of villagers and pillagers! looting the spoils of the village and source of property damage! Becoming a greater evil...Maou Kaela | ||
147 🔗 |
MX$25.00 | Luis Angeles [Takomander] |
Criminals cant be nominated for serious award | |
¥170 | ||||
148 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | MENG CHIN #Kiryu Kai Forever! | OMG | |
¥127 | ||||
149 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (14回目) |
"No map!?"*Steals their bread and office supplies* | |
¥256 | ||||
150 🔗 |
MX$65.00 | Rene Alarcon (7回目) |
If Oozora police comes for you, say you only know Indonesian. They won't understand you and you will be free. | |
¥443 | ||||
151 🔗 |
$2.00 | Steam Goliath (6回目) |
That's bullying! Someone call Oozora police! | |
¥256 | ||||
152 🔗 |
김영범 |
officer there is a penguin who is doing crimes !!!!! you got to stop her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
153 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | NEWBORN |
#KaelaForMostEvilHoloID2023 | |
¥169 | ||||
154 🔗 |
$2.00 | Steam Goliath (7回目) |
#KaelaforIDBullyof2023 | |
¥256 | ||||
155 🔗 |
$2.00 | Bucho (2回目) |
Can't break the law if there are no laws | |
¥256 | ||||
156 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (15回目) |
To be slightly serious - You're going north? Why? | |
¥256 | ||||
157 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | pramben (4回目) |
ozora police vs ella . duck vs penguin |
¥169 | ||||
158 🔗 |
MX$25.00 | Rene Alarcon (8回目) |
Title Unlocked: Kaela the "Not Evil" Thief. | |
¥170 | ||||
159 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | NEWBORN (2回目) |
Give chu chu to the villagers for the compensation | |
¥169 | ||||
160 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (16回目) |
You've lived long enough to become the villain. | |
¥256 | ||||
161 🔗 |
$5.00 | One Joke Man |
Kobo is a child (also part of holobaby), Zeta is a cat, and Kaela is a penguin. Everyone has their role. | |
¥639 | ||||
162 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (17回目) |
Have you not seen these before? I really like them | |
¥256 | ||||
163 🔗 |
$5.00 | Bucho (3回目) |
if you're gonna be a villain, you might as well be a SUPERvillain. go big or go home. | |
¥639 | ||||
164 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (18回目) |
Yeah mangrove. Also vines are climbable. | |
¥256 | ||||
165 🔗 |
£5.00 | Jade the wise |
Kaela is a lot of different things to many different people, but she is still my oshi and still the best blacksmith vtuber out there, keep it up Ela | |
¥782 | ||||
166 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (19回目) |
the trader is the even bigger villain. His markups are insane! He doesn't even offer good customer service or refunds! Also the llamas spit on me once | |
¥639 | ||||
167 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (20回目) |
can use mud and dripstone to farm clay iirc. | |
¥256 | ||||
168 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (21回目) |
so...you like frog legs...? Plenty here if u look | |
¥256 | ||||
169 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin |
u put your whiskers in the wrong place ela | |
¥116 | ||||
170 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (2回目) |
whats your goal in minecraft now btw why go north | |
¥116 | ||||
171 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (3回目) |
but ur the treasure already |
¥116 | ||||
172 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (22回目) |
Why isn't it getting colder as you go north?...oh, right, ID is in the southern hemisphere, it's going to get warmer first and then colder. My bad. | |
¥639 | ||||
173 🔗 |
$2.00 | TubePowered /チューブパワード (3回目) |
Are you trying to find chat some help? | |
¥256 | ||||
174 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (4回目) |
indonesiana jones, better version of indiana jones | |
¥116 | ||||
175 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (23回目) |
Help too expensive. SCs are cheaper. | |
¥256 | ||||
176 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (5回目) |
chronos send money to me please so i can sc more |
¥116 | ||||
177 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (6回目) |
ela searching for something that can damage her | |
¥116 | ||||
178 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (7回目) |
is there any boss/mob here that u cant beat? | |
¥116 | ||||
179 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos' Alt account | What the...? SCs are broken for me right now? Says that I "Already own this item"? I...uhhh...whaaaaaaa!? AAAAGGGHHHH JUST LET ME SC AAAAAGH | |
¥639 | ||||
180 🔗 |
$2.00 | Steam Goliath (8回目) |
Chronos hit the SC limit? lemao | |
¥256 | ||||
181 🔗 |
IDR 50,000.00 | miku2021 (3回目) |
Lunch time .... | |
¥423 | ||||
182 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos' Alt account (2回目) |
¥256 | ||||
183 🔗 |
₱125.00 | Marin (8回目) |
hope u can make collab where all EN/JP/ID join. then u captain and lead battle against guardian, after guardian dies you see the id gen 4 as loot | |
¥291 | ||||
184 🔗 |
$5.00 | Chronos' Alt account (3回目) |
NO. Limit is $500/day, definitely haven't done that today. I had a funny joke and everything but now it's way too late to make the joke.../cries | |
¥639 | ||||
185 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (9回目) |
maybe JP/EN server have epic undiscovered loot | |
¥116 | ||||
186 🔗 |
PSA: Chicken Nugget |
Am at work thanks for the break | ||
187 🔗 |
Chino Yuri |
Ela, I've fallen in love with someone. What do you think I should do? | ||
188 🔗 |
$2.00 | SussyBussyBakaDesu |
Kaela how do I become as serious as you. | |
¥256 | ||||
189 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (10回目) |
nice iron sword! a better sword than ur purple one | |
¥116 | ||||
190 🔗 |
$5.00 | Cursed boy IR | Ela I can see the stregnth and determination in your eye's! You truly are the cool one. | |
¥639 | ||||
191 🔗 |
$5.00 | Steam Goliath (9回目) |
Kaela, my niece and nephew wants to know why you have chopsticks on your head lemao | |
¥639 | ||||
192 🔗 |
$2.00 | Bucho (4回目) |
Need to see Ela with Mugi eyebrows | |
¥256 | ||||
193 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (11回目) |
can u make an angry face ? havent seen angry ela | |
¥116 | ||||
194 🔗 |
$2.00 | One Joke Man (2回目) |
I thought they were head whiskers | |
¥256 | ||||
195 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (24回目) |
Well at least you can take this one without asking | |
¥256 | ||||
196 🔗 |
Rene Alarcon |
It looks like you have a yellow creature with eyes closed and whiskers on your head. | ||
197 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (12回目) |
i did? that wasnt me. maybe hand moved while sleb | |
¥116 | ||||
198 🔗 |
na_yonk |
itu bukan alis tapi sumpit |
199 🔗 |
$2.00 | Steam Goliath (10回目) |
They said you're funny and cute, so win win lemao | |
¥256 | ||||
200 🔗 |
NT$150.00 | _ CY (3回目) |
chat , actually that is sea sedge patch not eyebrow | |
¥633 | ||||
201 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (13回目) |
nice lava, ela's natural habitat and swimming pool | |
¥116 | ||||
202 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (14回目) |
what happens if u elytra flying and remove elytra? | |
¥116 | ||||
203 🔗 |
$1.69 | Andrew Swallie (9回目) |
(無言スパチャ) | |
¥216 | ||||
204 🔗 |
Kiverarda |
I just saw ur last stream and when u said u gonna flip the eyebrows I immediately checked this stream. U never let us down. GG Ela O7 | ||
205 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Clarence Ediana (3回目) |
hi | |
¥169 | ||||
206 🔗 |
NT$30.00 | Jack (2回目) |
tax tax for Ela n remember to rest. | |
¥127 | ||||
207 🔗 |
$2.00 | Chronos The VN Wierdo (25回目) |
Have a good day, Kaela! Thanks for the stream zzzz | |
¥256 | ||||
208 🔗 |
IDR 20,000.00 | Naga Indosiar (9回目) |
thanks for the stream Kael, gonna sleep now. | |
¥169 | ||||
209 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (15回目) |
thanks kaela once your stream end i will wake up | |
¥116 | ||||
210 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (16回目) |
ela eats games for breakfast lunch dinner | |
¥116 | ||||
211 🔗 |
₱50.00 | Marin (17回目) |
what about fave food? like when u see it u excited | |
¥116 | ||||
212 🔗 |
$5.00 | Typetimeguac |
A bit tipsy right now, so I just wanted to say thank you for all the comfy streams you do (not just Minecraft). They really brighten my day! |
¥639 | ||||
213 🔗 |
MX$25.00 | Rene Alarcon (9回目) |
As always: Kaela seru, keren dan menghibur | |
¥170 | ||||
214 🔗 |
twitjesse | Gifted 1 Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID memberships | ||
215 🔗 |
Dicky_Aulian_Putra 45 | was gifted a membership by twitjesse | ||